Monument Valley, Utah. It's only 5 square miles but has entered the popular imagination as typical of the American West, used as it has been in countless westerns. This particular scene was actually shot from our hotel balcony and was unknown to us until dawn, when this photo was taken. It's almost like cheating, because I pointed the camera at it and took the picture and voila - a tableau of mesas, fog and lingering springtime snow. What a scene.
Step lively now.
This little lady spends a lot of time at the studio, outside of the studio and in my lap. When she's not galavanting about in the grass behind the building you can find her pooping or peeing on the floor. It's just her way. In any case, expect a lot more puppy photographs. The cuteness is painful, I know. Apologies in advance.
Big log saw
My camera is full of sawdust!
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