Eric Tadsen
I've been making photographs professionally for more than 20 years. My interest in photography started as early as I can remember. My father was an amateur photographer and had an Olympus OM-10 and a collection of lenses. He said that he bought the camera because Cheryl Tiegs was the spokesmodel. After exhausting his book collection I raided the local library where I was able to teach myself how to do black and white development and printing. I was fortunate in that the local library also had a darkroom that could be reserved. I'd ride to the library with chemical jugs slung over my rear bike rack and spend hours making prints of our dog and my bike. Later in high school I photographed for the school paper and worked in a one hour photo lab, a job I continued through college. After college I was unsure of what to do with my philosophy degree and turned to photography as a profession.